Data protection

Privacy policy

Data protection and data security are extremely important to us. This data protection declaration informs you as a user of our website and our offers about the type, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data.

We expressly point out that data transmission on the Internet (e.g. communication by e-mail) is subject to security gaps and cannot be completely protected against access by third parties. We try to ensure the highest possible level of data protection and data security with all the possibilities available to us.


1.  Person responsible for data processing


Responsible for data processing is


Klaus Roos

Kirchstrasse 13

88471 Laupheim



E-mail: info@

Tel +49 (0) 162 750 43 56


2.  access data, server log files


Each time our website is accessed, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the accessing computer.


The following data is collected:


- IP address of the user

- File, date and time of the call


The collected data is temporarily stored in the log files of our system. The log files contain IP addresses that allow an assignment to a user. This data is not stored together with other personal data of the user.


The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary in order to be able to deliver the website to the user's computer. For this purpose, the user's IP address must remain stored for the duration of the session. In addition, the data is used to ensure the security of our information technology systems. The data is not evaluated for marketing purposes.


The legal basis for the temporary storage of the data and the log files is the legitimate interest according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO (economic interest in the use of the website).


The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve its collection purpose. In the case of the collection of data for the provision of the website, this is the case as soon as the respective session has ended. In the case of storage of data in log files, this is the case after 7 days at the latest.


The collection of data for the provision of the website and the storage of the data in log files is absolutely necessary for the operation of the website. Therefore, users cannot object to this.


3. Collection, processing and use of personal data


The use of the successor exchange requires the provision of personal data. Personal data is individual information about personal or factual circumstances of a specific or identifiable natural person (data subject). This includes, for example, first name, last name, address, telephone number, date of birth, e-mail address or IP address and usage behaviour.


We collect, process and use personal data exclusively in accordance with the provisions of data protection law solely for the purpose of fulfilling the contract. With the express consent of the user, we also collect, process and use personal and demographic data for statistical purposes and for the purpose of adapting and improving our offers and services.


The data will not be passed on to third parties - with the exception of the cases mentioned under point 16, if applicable - unless this would be necessary for billing the monthly user fee.


User data will be deleted as soon as the purpose for which it was stored has ceased to exist, unless legal obligations to retain data make further storage necessary.


All our employees, business partners (cooperation partners, industry consultants) and service providers are obliged to maintain data secrecy and to comply with data protection regulations.


4.  Cookies


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small files that make it possible to store specific, device-related information on the user's access device (PC, smartphone or similar). Many functions of the website cannot be offered without the use of cookies. Cookies are deleted after a specified period of time. A creation of user profiles does not take place.


The legal basis for the processing of personal data using cookies is the legitimate interest according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO (economic interest in the use of the website).


Cookies are stored on the user's computer and transmitted from it to our website. Therefore, you as a user also have control options over the use of cookies. By changing the settings in your internet browser, you can deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies. Cookies that have already been stored can be deleted at any time. This can also be done automatically.


If cookies are deactivated for our website, it may no longer be possible to use all the functions of the website to their full extent.


The transmission of Flash cookies cannot be prevented via the browser settings, but by changing the Flash Player settings.


5. Google Analytics


Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies (see 4.), which are stored on the user's computer and which enable an analysis of the use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google is certified under the Privacy Shield agreement and thereby offers the guarantee of compliance with European data protection law.


We expressly point out that, at our request, only information on the use of publicly accessible content is generated. An evaluation of the use of the website by registered users does not take place.


On our behalf, Google will use the information collected to evaluate the use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage to the website operator.


The IP address transmitted by the user's browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data.

Google Analytics is only used with IP anonymisation activated. IP addresses are therefore only processed in abbreviated form in order to exclude any direct reference to a person. IP addresses of users are shortened by Google within the Member States of the European Union or other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.


The use of Google Analytics is based on our legitimate interest according to Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO, which results from the purpose of the data processing.


The use of Google Analytics serves economic interests in the use of the website and the optimisation of the online offer.


Users can prevent the storage of cookies by setting their browser software accordingly. This may result in limited use of the website.


Furthermore, the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to the use of the website by Google as well as the processing of this data by Google can be objected to at any time by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link:


Alternatively (or when using the website via a mobile browser), users can prevent the collection and processing of their data by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link: Deactivate Google Analytics. By clicking on the link, an opt-out cookie will be placed on your computer. It should be noted that the link must be pressed again when the cookies are deleted on the user's device.


There is an order data processing agreement (ADV) between us and Google for the use of Google Analytics.


6. Google Analytics Remarketing


Our website uses the functions of Google Analytics Remarketing in conjunction with the cross-device functions of Google Ads. These functions make it possible to link the advertising target groups created with Google Analytics Remarketing with the cross-device functions of Google Ads. In this way, interest-based, personalised advertising messages that have been adapted to users on one end device (e.g. mobile phone) depending on their previous usage and surfing behaviour can also be displayed on another end device (e.g. tablet or PC) of the user.


If users have given their consent, Google will link their internet and app browsing history to their Google account for this purpose. In this way, the same personalised advertising messages can be displayed on every end device on which users log in with their Google account.

To support this feature, Google Analytics collects Google-authenticated IDs of users, which are temporarily linked to our Google Analytics data to define and create audiences for cross-device ad targeting.


Users can permanently object to cross-device remarketing/targeting by deactivating personalised advertising in their Google account by following this link:


The aggregation of the collected data in the users' Google account is based exclusively on their consent, which they can give or revoke at Google (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO).


In the case of data collection processes that are not merged in the users' Google Account

(e.g. because they do not have a Google account or have objected to the aggregation), the collection of the data is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. The legitimate interest results from the fact that we have an interest in the anonymised analysis of website visitors for advertising purposes.

Further information and the data protection provisions can be found in Google's data protection declaration.


7. Google Ads and Google Conversion Tracking


Our website uses Google Ads, an online advertising programme of Google Inc. and, within the framework of Google Ads, the so-called conversion tracking. When users click on an ad placed by Google, a cookie (see 4.) is set for conversion tracking. These cookies lose their validity after 30 days and are not used to personally identify users. If a user visits certain pages of our website and the cookie has not yet expired, Google and we can recognise that the user clicked on our ad and was redirected to our website.


Each Google Ads customer (e.g. us) receives a different cookie. The cookies cannot be tracked across Ads clients' websites. The information collected using the conversion cookie is used to generate conversion statistics for Ads clients who have opted in to conversion tracking. Clients learn the total number of users who clicked on their ad and were redirected to a web page tagged with a conversion tracking tag. However, they do not receive any information that personally identifies users. If users do not wish to participate in the tracking, they can object to this use by deactivating the Google conversion tracking cookie via their internet browser under user settings. They will then not be included in the conversion tracking statistics.


The storage of "conversion cookies" is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. We have a legitimate interest in analysing user behaviour in order to optimise both our website and our advertising.


More information on Google AdWords and Google Conversion Tracking can be found in Google's privacy policy.


Users can set their browsers so that they are informed about the setting of cookies and only allow cookies in individual cases, exclude the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or in general and activate the automatic deletion of cookies when closing the browser. If cookies are deactivated, the functionality of this website may be limited.


8. Google Web Fonts


For the uniform display of fonts, our website uses so-called web fonts, which are provided by Google. When calling up our website, the user's browser loads the required web fonts into their browser cache in order to display texts and fonts correctly.


For this purpose, the browser they use must connect to Google servers. This informs Google that our website has been accessed via your IP address. Google Web Fonts are used in the interest of a uniform and appealing presentation of our online offers. This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. If the user's browser does not support web fonts, a standard font from their computer is used.


Further information on Google Web Fonts can be found at and in Google's privacy policy.


9. HubSpot


We use HubSpot for our online marketing activities. HubSpot is a software company from the USA with a branch in Ireland. Contact: HubSpot, 2nd Floor 30 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland, Telephone: +353 1 5187500.

This is an integrated software solution that we use to cover various aspects of our online marketing. These include: Email marketing (newsletters as well as automated mailings, e.g. to provide downloads), social media publishing & reporting, reporting (e.g. traffic sources, hits, etc. ...), contact management (e.g. user segmentation & CRM), landing pages and contact forms.


We enable visitors to our website to learn more about our company, download content and provide their contact information and other demographic information. This information, as well as our website content, is stored on servers operated by our software partner HubSpot. It may be used by us to contact visitors to our website and to determine which of our company's services are of interest to them. All information we collect is subject to this privacy policy. We use all information collected solely to optimise our marketing activities.


Furthermore, to improve the user experience on our website, we use HubSpot's live chat service "Messages" for sending and receiving messages on some subpages. Upon consent and use of this function, the following data is transmitted to HubSpot's servers:

- Content of all chat messages sent and received.

- Context information (e.g. page on which the chat was used)

- Optional: e-mail address of the user (if provided by the user via the chat function).

The legal basis for the use of Hubspot's services is Art. 6 I f DS-GVO - legitimate interest. Our legitimate interest in using this service is to optimise our marketing measures and improve our service quality on the website.


HubSpot is certified under the terms of the "EU - U.S. Privacy Shield Framework" and is subject to TRUSTe 's Privacy Seal as well as the "U.S. - Swiss Safe Harbor" Framework.

More information about HubSpot's privacy policy

More information from HubSpot regarding EU data protection regulations

More information about the cookies used by HubSpot


If you generally do not want HubSpot to collect data, you can prevent the storage of cookies at any time by changing your browser settings accordingly.


10. NO links to social networks, NO plugins


We do NOT have any user accounts in social networks and do not use any plugins from these providers.


11. SSL encryption


For security reasons and to protect all, in particular confidential, content and information, especially when transmitting it, such as when making enquiries or filling in contract data and user profiles, we make our website available for use exclusively using SSL encryption.


The encrypted connection can be recognised by the prefix "https://" in the page link in the address line of the browser and a lock symbol in the browser line. Unencrypted pages are marked with "http://".


All data that users transmit to our website, for example when making enquiries or logging in, cannot be read by third parties thanks to SSL encryption.


12. Contacting us


It is possible to contact us via the e-mail address provided. In this case, the user's personal data transmitted with the e-mail (e-mail address, name and/or telephone number, if applicable) will be stored.


In this context, the data will not be passed on to third parties. The data is used exclusively for processing the conversation.


The legal basis for the processing of the data transmitted in the course of sending an e-mail is the legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO (possibility for the user to contact us). If the contact is aimed at the conclusion of a contract, the additional legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO.

The data is deleted when the respective conversation with the user has ended. The conversation is deemed to have ended when it is clear from the circumstances that the matter in question has been conclusively clarified. Users can object to the storage of their personal data at any time. In such a case, the conversation cannot be continued.


13. Data subject rights


Users can request information (Art. 15 DSGVO) about their stored personal data free of charge at any time at the above address (see 1.). In addition, they may, under certain conditions, demand the correction (Art. 16 DSGVO) or deletion (Art. 17 DSGVO) of the personal data stored about them.


Furthermore, they may have a right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 DSGVO) of their data as well as a right to surrender or transfer (Art. 20 DSGVO) of the data provided by them in a structured, common and machine-readable format.


If the processing of the users' personal data is based on their consent, they also have the right to revoke their consent at any time (Art. 7 DSGVO). The lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the revocation is not affected by this.


14. Right of objection


Users have the right to object at any time to the processing of their personal data based on Art. 6 (1) (f) (Art. 21 DSGVO). An objection can be made in particular against processing for direct marketing purposes.


15. Right of appeal


Furthermore, you have the possibility to lodge a complaint with the above-mentioned data protection officer or with a data protection supervisory authority. The competent supervisory authority is: State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Baden-Württemberg, Address: Postfach 10 29 32, 70025 Stuttgart, Germany.

16. Transfer of data to a third country (outside the EU)


If we transfer personal data to service providers outside the EU, we will only do so if the third country has been confirmed by the EU Commission as having an adequate level of data protection or if other adequate data protection guarantees (e.g. binding internal company data protection regulations or EU standard contractual clauses) are in place.


17. Copyright notice


We claim copyright for the design, texts and graphics on our website. The use, reproduction or distribution of individual contents or complete pages of our website is not permitted.


18. Disclaimer


We do not assume any liability for the completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness as well as the content of the information on our website which has been taken from external websites. This also applies to content linked to our website.


Furthermore, this data protection declaration does not extend to websites of other providers that are linked to our website.


Realisation and implementation: TBKR

Design, technology and maintenance: TBKR

© 2023 TBKR: Klaus Roos

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